This ad was found in Oxygen magazine. It’s a two page advertisement and it’s selling Hydrocut Max Appetite suppression pills. The dominant part of the ad , it’s the A4 image of a woman in a gold bikini with what women see as the perfect body. Real Weight Loss for Real Results is stuck right at the top of the opposite page in really big letter so it catches your attention , ‘real’ is used twice to get the message across that they are real pills and they do work. This ad makes a stereotype for women that if you are loosing weight that you have to use diet pills, when in reality the diet pills don’t actually work. There is also another image of the actual product placed of the right hand side. The rule of thirds is used and it works well because your attention is balanced over the whole page but if you look right down at the bottom there are some important information that women should actually know before buying the product. One being that the model in the ad didn’t actually use the product. So its false advertising. You won’t look like the model by taking the pills, you won’t ever look like the model period because the imaged is photoshopped. So the ad represents Kiwi women as weight loss obsessed and wanting to have the perfect body. This is a bad image for women because that’s what everyone will expect from them, to look good and be young and slim. This ad is suppose to make you want to buy the product and get results just like the model did. The advertisers try to make women feel bad about themselves and then look at the model in the advertisement and buy their product and change how they look.
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