Sunday, 25 March 2012

Magazine Cover analysis

This is a cover for Dash magazine, a New Zealand health and fitness magazine for women.  The target audience for this cover would be about 20-45 year old women, and women just wanting to be fit and healthy.  The first thing you see would be the image which is probably the most dominant thing on the cover. The woman is wearing blue togs, doing a sexual pose, the attention seems to be on her stomach/waist, arms and breast, the body parts that women hate the most and want to change. The cover uses the rule of thirds with the image being in the centre making your attention go straight to it. The text is either side of the image and the title right on top in big font.  The cover headlines are in black and pink which makes them easy to read and stand out.  What women think about this cover is that they need to look like the image so to do so they need to do what the articles say. The main focus of the cover it about looking good on the beach “ At the beach 2010 , Are you ready for summer? “ followed by “ A flatter stomach in 4 weeks” this issue is all about helping you be fit , healthy , slim and look good on the beach. New Zealand woman are being represented as slim, fit and healthy while being on the beach. When in reality most Kiwi woman hate going to the beach because they believe that you have to look good on the beach because of what’s in the media.  Kiwi woman believe when you look good you feel good. Another title on the cover is “Super food! Tuna Treats” it’s also encoring woman to eat right and you will get your desired look for the beach. “Seven secrets of a slim woman” it’s again saying that woman NEED to be slim to be healthy.  Overall this magazine cover represents Kiwi woman as being obsessed with how they look and always need to eat right, exercise and stay slim.

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